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Information theory

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How Mathematical Curves Enable Advanced Communication

September 19, 2022

A simple geometric idea has been used to power advances in information theory, cryptography and even blockchain technology.

How Shannon Entropy Imposes Fundamental Limits on Communication

September 6, 2022

What’s a message, really? Claude Shannon recognized that the elemental ingredient is surprise.

The Scientist Who Developed a New Way to Understand Communication

July 5, 2022

Mark Braverman has spent his career translating thorny problems into the language of information complexity.

Why Claude Shannon Would Have Been Great at Wordle

May 25, 2022

A bit of information theory can help you analyze — and improve — your Wordle game.


Pondering the Bits That Build Space-Time and Brains

April 20, 2022

Vijay Balasubramanian investigates whether the fabric of the universe might be built from information, and what it means that physicists can even ask such a question.

Qubits Can Be as Safe as Bits, Researchers Show

January 6, 2022

A new result shows that quantum information can theoretically be protected from errors just as well as classical information can.

Researchers Defeat Randomness to Create Ideal Code

November 24, 2021

By carefully constructing a multidimensional and well-connected graph, a team of researchers has finally created a long-sought locally testable code that can immediately betray whether it’s been corrupted.

How Maxwell’s Demon Continues to Startle Scientists

April 22, 2021

The thorny thought experiment has been turned into a real experiment — one that physicists use to probe the physics of information.

How Claude Shannon Invented the Future

December 22, 2020

Today’s information age is only possible thanks to the groundbreaking work of a lone genius.

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