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Eve Marder on the Crucial Resilience of Neurons
Eve Marder’s research into the plasticity and resilience of nervous systems finds universal principles guiding life’s responses to stress.
Charlie Marcus Knows That Quantum Facts Aren’t Complicated
The secret to making a qubit for future quantum computers might depend on knowing how to tie knots in unusual materials, argues the physicist Charlie Marcus.
Amie Wilkinson Sees the Dynamic Chaos in Puff Pastry
To a dynamicist like Amie Wilkinson, understanding the universe is about knowing all the right moves.
Emery Brown and the Truth About Anesthesia
Anesthesia is very different from sleep — which is why it offers unique opportunities for studying the human brain, says the physician-researcher and statistician Emery Brown.
Melanie Mitchell Takes AI Research Back to Its Roots
To build a general artificial intelligence, we may need to know more about our own minds, argues the computer scientist Melanie Mitchell.
Trachette Jackson Fights Cancer With Math
Quantitative models built by the mathematical biologist Trachette Jackson can make cancer therapies safer and more effective.
Rediet Abebe on Using Algorithms for Social Justice
The computer scientist Rediet Abebe’s passion for applied mathematics closely aligns with her passion to solve problems with poverty and social inequality.
Federico Ardila on Math, Music and the Space of Possibilities
The mathematician Federico Ardila takes a creative approach to the search for useful answers hiding among inconceivably huge numbers of possible ones.
Sharon Glotzer’s Deep Curiosity About Order From Chaos
The computational physicist Sharon Glotzer finds unifying principles that structure the chaotic dance of the particles that make up matter.