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Can Thermodynamics Go Quantum?
...Why,” a podcast from Quanta Magazine where I take turns at the mic with my cohost, Janna Levin, exploring the biggest unanswered questions in math and science today. In this...
‘Groups’ Underpin Modern Math. Here’s How They Work.
What do the integers have in common with the symmetries of a triangle? In the 19th century, mathematicians invented groups as an answer to this question. Mathematics started with numbers...
Do We Need a New Theory of Gravity?
...biggest questions in math and science today. In this episode, we ask physicist Claudia de Rham, what might gravity be hiding at a particle level? And how might this change...
Mathematicians Prove Hawking Wrong About the Most Extreme Black Holes
...they are by their proof that extremal black holes can exist. “This is a beautiful example of math giving back to physics,” said Elena Giorgi, a mathematician at Columbia University....
Are Robots About to Level Up?
...mic with my cohost, Janna Levin, exploring some of the biggest unanswered questions in math and science today. In this episode, we’ve got Professor Daniela Rus to talk to us...
Grad Students Find Inevitable Patterns in Big Sets of Numbers
...the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Since then, the pair have written a mind-boggling 57 math proofs together, many of them profound advances in various fields. In February, Sah and Sawhney...
How Does Math Keep Secrets?
...mathematical analysis. And a key figure in bringing about the mathematical analysis of cryptography was Claude Shannon, who in the late 1940s wrote some influential papers, starting with a mathematical...
Monumental Proof Settles Geometric Langlands Conjecture
In work that has been 30 years in the making, mathematicians have proved a major part of a profound mathematical vision called the Langlands program. A group of nine mathematicians...
Will AI Ever Have Common Sense?
...of the biggest questions in math and science today. In this episode, we’re going to be speaking to computer scientist Yejin Choi about the architecture and capabilities of large language...