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A Fluid New Path in Grand Math Challenge
...lies at the heart of a speculative new approach to a problem that has bedeviled mathematicians for more than 150 years: understanding the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid...
All Is Not Fair in Cake-Cutting and Math
...they want to strive for — and that’s something mathematics can’t decide for them. When children divide an inheritance, should the Chagall painting go to the child who’s an art...
Quantum Questions Inspire New Math
...The mathematical physicist and Nobel laureate Eugene Wigner has written eloquently about the amazing ability of mathematics to describe reality, characterizing it as “the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the...
Physicists Attack Math’s $1,000,000 Question
...remains arguably the most important unsolved problem in pure mathematics — one whose solution would fetch a $1 million Millennium Prize from the Clay Mathematics Institute. Conversely, as the number...
Is There Math Beyond the Equal Sign?
...of very sophisticated thing. Cheng (08:43): Yes. And that’s one of the reasons I call it the mathematics of mathematics. Because where mathematics goes around looking at the world and...
Alex Kontorovich on the Absolute Truth of Pure Math
...performance, with math as his instrument. So, mathematicians make a big distinction, unfortunate, in my opinion, between pure math and applied math. And Alex is a consummate pure mathematician, and...
Federico Ardila on Math, Music and the Space of Possibilities
...into this particular part of math, so I asked him to tell me a little bit about his childhood. Ardila: I first got really interested in math through this math...
The Math Evangelist Who Preaches Problem-Solving
Richard Rusczyk, founder of Art of Problem Solving, has a vision for bringing “joyous, beautiful math” — and problem-solving — to classrooms everywhere. When Richard Rusczyk became interested in math...
Trachette Jackson Fights Cancer With Math
...need to major in math.” And he sort of invited me to major in math, well, kinda ordered me to major in math, but that was a decision that changed...